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Why is it so important to have good web usability?

Usability is a fundamental element of any website . By offering a website that is easy to use, effective and understandable for the Internet user, web usability contributes to a positive user experience. Web usability also helps create a pleasant experience for users by making it easier for them to achieve their goals on the site. In today’s SeQura post we see what web usability is and how important it is and how it can be improved.

Web usability refers to the ease with which a user can interact with a website or application. It is a discipline that deals with ensuring that a website or application is easy to use, intuitive and efficient, with the aim of improving the user experience.

What is web usability? Basic principles of usability

Good usability is essential to producing list of czech republic consumer email a pleasant user experience when interacting with a website or web page. This includes ensuring that the design is consistent, that navigation is simple and accessible, and that the overall layout of the page should be aesthetically pleasing and usable. In addition, it will increase the efficiency of the page, reduce maintenance costs and encourage user loyalty.

In 1990 , web design expert Jakob Nielsen defined ten key principles for web usability. Each of these web usability principles has a specific focus on improving user experience and website efficiency. Specifically, Jakob Nielsen’s ten principles of web usability are as follows.

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Jakob Nielsen’s Web Usability Principles

Visibility of system status : This means 10 essential seo skills for marketers that the user. Must be able to understand at all times what point of navigation they are at.
Relationship between the system and the real world : implies that the system must speak the same language as the users, follow the conventions of the real world and provide information in a logical and natural order.

Recognize better than remember : This is achieved guinea lists by minimizing the user’s memory usage and displaying actions and options to easily recognize each phase of the process.

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